Saturday, September 15, 2007

Friday's Events

Friday was an eventful day here at NCIS Fan Fest 2007.

Many ppl decided to take in the sites and sounds of Southern LA, including one couple who had a bit of fun at Universal Studios and the Jurassic Park ride... but that's another story for another time...LOL

In the afternoon we were all captivated by the information and stories we heard from the wonderful NCIS Agents. (Real ones, not ppl that play ones on TV! LOL) Unfortunately, can't post any pics of them or their names here on the internet due to the nature of their jobs.... sorry. There are some fans that took REALLY good notes and I'm hoping to get a more thorough write about this time from them.

We then heard several stories from LA County Coroner, Craig Harvey (who's also a technical advisor to the show). He even brought some Liver probes and offered to demonstrate them on willing fans. (no, not really.) Again, the note takers will have better postings about this than I will.

In the evening, NCIS Fan Fest 2007 opened to fans finding out who won the Best Costume categories from the night before. And, Congratulations to Tweeter, whose Tony costume was LOUDLY selected as "The Best of The Best" costume. (Tweeter, we still want to know the story behind the handcuffs! LOL)

Everyone then mingled and milled around the fans booths and the Operation Gratitude booths. Everyone wanted to get a chance to win a raffle or two, and some were even caught laying on the ballroom floor writing letters to the troops at the OpGrat booth! (Yeah, pics of this will follow later!)

One bit of news from Friday - We received confirmation that Co-Executive producer, Charles Floyd Johnson and Liza Lapira (Agent Michelle Lee) will be with us Saturday night! Very exciting! I'm sure that we all will have questions for Liza about the Lee/Palmer love story. LOL

I do have photos to post, but at this moment, my roommates are still asleep and in the dark I'm not so good at locating my camera to upload them. I'll be sure to do that later today.

Oh, today! We're going to the Set! Yeah!

Exciting Times At NCIS Fan Fest 2007



Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing the pics, and reading more, most especially any and all news about the set visit. Sounds like fun, wishing I could have attended.

otontv said...

Sounds great.
Tony? Handcuffs? Mh... ;-)
I'd rather question Mr. Johnson about his job. Don't like this Lee/Palmer stuff. :-\
CU sindee